Track Description
The Revival of Microneurosurgery Track is designed to provide clinically relevant information to update providers on decision making, complication avoidance, innovations in our field, and microsurgery reapplied to old problems. Faculty will provide an update on technological advances in the field from the perspectives of neurosurgery and interventional neuroradiology. Participants will be encouraged to discuss controversies in treatment and optimal recognition and management of complications.
Program Directors
Ossama Al-Mefty, MD
Director, Skull Base Program
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
M. Ali Aziz-Sultan, MD
Associate Professor of Neurosurgery,
Harvard Medical School
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Wenya Linda Bi, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Nirav J. Patel, MD
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Harvard Medical School
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this activity, participants will be able to:
- Evaluate the current indications and treatment options for cerebrovascular and skull base pathologies
- Incorporate strategies to apply innovative techniques to manage clinical scenarios in your practice
- Utilize modern data and clinical expertise from leading clinicians to guide treatment for patients as well as for cerebrovascular and skull base pathologies
6:30 AM - 7:25 AM
Registration and Breakfast
7:30 AM - 8:10 AM
The Triumph of Microneurosurgery
- Insular Glioma
- Acoustic Neuroma
- Aneurysm
- Glomus Tumor
- Intramedullary Tumor
8:10 AM - 8:40 AM
Brainstem Cavernoma: Microsurgical Delight
- Brainstem cavernoma: when and why to treat
- Windows into the brainstem – Paulo Kadri
- Anterior petrosal, retrosigmoid, transcondylar: which approach for which cavernoma
- Can brainstem cavernous malformations be done endoscopically?
8:40 AM - 9:10 AM
Cavernous Sinus: Microsurgery Land
- Giant pituitary tumor invading cavernous sinus
- Trigeminal schwannoma
- Endoscopic approach to the cavernous sinus
- Cavernous sinus exenteration for aggressive meningioma
9:10 AM - 9:30 AM
Bypass: Flow of Life
- In situ cranial bypasses
- Bypass for revascularization
- Long bypasses for replacement of sacrificed carotid
- Is your bypass enough? What is enough?
9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
Coffee Break
9:45 AM - 10:15 AM
Acoustic Neuroma: Raising the Bar
- Three nuances Dr. Malis taught me
- Facial nerve preservation
- When total removal is not possible
- Recurrent vestibular schwannoma surgery
10:15 AM - 11:05 AM
Aneurysm: Quit Fighting
- Aneurysm for Clipping Only
- Aneurysm for Endovascular Only
- I hold two swords
- We just started, we’re coming
- Nuances of aneurysm surgery
- Aneurysm clipping in poor grade subarachnoid hemorrhage
- There is more into aneurysms than intervention
11:05 AM - 11:40 AM
Chordoma: The Defiant Beast
- When endonasal alone is enough
- When craniotomy is needed
- Surgery is not enough
- Pediatric chordoma is for cure
11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
Intraoperative Nightmares
- Carotid blow-out
- Vascular dissection in skull base tumors
- Nightmares in ventricular endoscopy
- Venous occlusion and severe cerebral edema
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:35 PM
Craniopharyngioma: Quest for a Cure
- Stereoscopic endoscopic approaches to craniopharyngiomas
- You need craniotomy for these craniopharyngiomas
- Approach for 3rd ventricular craniopharyngioma
- Carotid ectasia after microneurosurgery for craniopharyngioma
1:35 PM - 2:15 PM
Meningioma: Judgment
- Is there a meningioma for endoscopic endonasal resection?
- Why I quit endonasal for meningiomas
- Meningioma is for open cranial
- Aggressive surgical resection for high-grade meningioma
- Veins rule
- Soon we will not need your knife for meningioma
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
AVM: The Answer Yet to be Found
- Nuances of AVM surgery
- Embolization – a Sherpa of AVM surgery
- Hybrid resection of AVM
- Grade 4 AVM still can be treated
- Radiosurgery for AVM
- Breakthrough perfusion: is it really real?
3:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Coffee Break
3:15 pm - 4:45 PM
Microneurosurgery: Back to the Future
- Nuances of AVM surgery
- Embolization – a Sherpa of AVM surgery
- Hybrid resection of AVM
- Grade 4 AVM still can be treated
- Radiosurgery for AVM
- Breakthrough perfusion: is it really real?
4:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Closing Remarks
5:00 PM
Track Faculty

Emad T. Aboud, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Arkansas Neuroscience Institute

Ossama Almefty, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Rami O. Almefty, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Temple Health

Kaith Almefty, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Barrow Neurological Institute

Sepideh Amin-Hanjani, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Illinois at Chicago

Kenan Arnautovic, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Semmes Murphey Clinic

Miguel Arraez-Sanchez, MD,PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Chiron Malaga Hospital

Antonio Aversa do Souto, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University Hospital, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Samer Ayoubi, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Alabama-Muwasat University Hospital

M. Ali Aziz-Sultan, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Garni Barkhoudarian, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Pacific Neuroscience Institute

Daniel L. Barrow, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Emory University

Mustafa Baskaya, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Wisconsin

Wenya Linda Bi, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Frederick A. Boop, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
LeBonheur Children’s Hospital

Luis Borba, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Universidade Federa do Parana

Lawrence Borges, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Massachusetts General Hospital

Jeffrey N. Bruce, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Columbia University

Paolo Cappabianca, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Naples Federico

Bob Carter, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Massachusetts General Hospital

Fady T. Charbel, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Illinois at Chicago

Benedicto O. Colli, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Sao Paulo

Carlos David, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Lahey Health

Jean de Oliveira, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Santa de Casa de Sao Paulo School of Medical Sciences

Amir Dehdashti, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Northwell Health

Franco DeMonte, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
MD Anderson

Rose Du, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Ian Dunn, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Oklahoma

Mark B. Eisenberg, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Northwell Health

Abdessamad El Ouahabi, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Rabat Hospital

Sebastian Froelich, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Neurochirurgie de l’hospital Lariboisiere

Atul Goel, MBBS, MCh, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
King Edward Memorial Hospital

Carl B. Heilman, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Tufts Medical Center

Judy Huang, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Hae-Dong Jho MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Allegheny General Hospital

Paulo Kadri, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Daniel F. Kelly, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Pacific Neuroscience Institute

Ali Krisht, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
St. Vincent Arkansas Neuroscience Institute

David Langer, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Northwell Health

Giuseppe Lanzino, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Mayo Clinic

Michael T. Lawton, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Barrow Neurological Institute

James K. Liu, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Rutgers University

Christianto Lumenta, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
International Neuroscience Institute Hannover

Michael McDermott, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of California San Francisco

Jennifer Moliterno, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Yale Medicine

Akio Moria, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Nippon Medical School

Peter Nakaji, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Banner Health

Kenji Ohata, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Osaka City University

Thomas Origitano, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Kalispell Regional Healthcare

Soichi Oya, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Saitama Medical Center/University

Nirav Patel, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

A. John Popp, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Stanford University Medical Center

Daniel Prevedello, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Ohio State Neurological Institute

Marcio Rassi, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Evangelic University Hospital of Curitiba

Kresimir Rotim, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Clinical Hospital Center, Sisters of Charity Zagreb

Deanna Sasaki-Adams, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of North Carolina

Michael Scott, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston Children’s Hospital

Laligam Sekhar, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Wisconsin Medicine

Raj K. Shrivastava, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Mt. Sinai Medicine

Edward R. Smith, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston Children’s Hospital

Robert Spetzler, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Barrow Neurological Institute

Gary Steinberg, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Stanford University

Philip Steig, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Weill Cornell

Marcos Tatagiba, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
Neurochirurgie Uniklinik Tubingen

Daryoush Tavanaiepour, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Florida – Jacksonville

Philip Theodosopoulos, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of California San Francisco

Ugur Ture, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Yeditepe University

Urvashi Upadhyay, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
Boston Medical Center

A. Sami Youssef, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Colorado

Gabriel Zada, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Southern California

Gelareh Zadeh, MD, PhD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Toronto

Georgios Zenonos, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Pittsburgh